Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Message From Coach Bryan

    • Before we begin...

    • How To Use This Course

    • Best Practices

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    Self-Awareness for Greatness

    • What's Your Why?

    • Self-Awareness For Greatness

    • Traffic Lights

    • Self-Awareness - Exercises

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    Pursuit of Greatness

    • What's Your Mission? Goal Setting

    • Pursuit of Excellence Worksheet

    • Pursuit of Excellence - Exercises

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    Perspective For Greatness

    • Optimism vs. Pessimism

    • Do You Control Everything?

    • Perspective for Greatness - Exercises

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    How To Play With Confidence

    • Confidence Building

    • Playing with Confidence

    • Playing with Confidence - Exercises

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    Being Present for Greatness

    • Mindfulness for Sport Performance

    • Guided Meditation

    • Mindfulness Exercises

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    Imagery For Greatness

    • Sport Imagery

    • Guided Imagery - Self-Awareness

    • Guided Imagery - Vividness

    • Guided Imagery - Preparation

    • Imagery - Weekly Tasks

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    Staying Calm in High-Pressure Situations

    • Staying calm

    • Relaxation Techniques - Weekly Tasks

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    Performance Routines for Greatness

    • Performance Routines - Basketball

    • Traffic Lights

    • Performance Routines Worksheet

    • Performance Routines - Exercises

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    • Congrats.. Here's What's Next!

    • Before you go...